Yolanda Cohen Stith is…

a Christian pastoral counselor and has been in ministry since 1997. She and her late husband co-founded a Christ-centered counseling and teaching ministry in the Washington, D.C. area. You can find out more about her ministry on the New Heart Living Facebook page. Through her ministry and writing, she shares biblical truths, often in the context of her own life experiences.

Writing has been one of Yolanda’s passions. She is a natural communicator and has written curriculum for the five topical classes used at New Heart Living and other counseling offices. Her writing is both biblically sound, and challenging, in an effort to expose faulty teaching within the Church and proclaim freedom and the whole Gospel. Yolanda has gone through extensive training through Network 220 (an organization for pastors, lay/professional counselors, authors, etc. teaching Christians their identity in Christ and the full implications of the Cross). Her writing is couched in a lot of humor and wit that is both vulnerable and personal. She often speaks at women’s church retreats and Fourth-Day Community retreats.