God's Provision in our Valleys

A valley can be a desolate place, and the longer you’re there the harder it can be to rememeber that valleys are always temporary; although, some may last longer that others and always longer than we’d like. A valley is going to be outside of your comfort zone, it’s going to be an assault on your senses and bring up thoughts, feelings and erroneous beliefs about life, in particular, God. The evil one doesn’t want you to believe that the valley is actually a great place to experience the provision of God. He want’s you to believe that you’ve been abandoned by God and while you may know that’s not true, it can feel true.

Everywhere we read in the Scriptures, especially, in the Old Testament as the Israelites wandered away for their God and calling, provision was continually made for them. Whether it was manna and quail after they fled slavery in Egypt only to spend 40 years going around in circles, entering into Jericho, prophets who constantly applealed to their need to know God was there for them, and, ultimately, a Savior Who would set the record straight, once and for all, and set them free from live in Adam.

When I look back at all my valleys, I can clearly see the hand of God opening doors, providing answers and His wisdom, susaining me with His marvelous and never ending grace, with hope and encouragement to keep me on the road of perseverence through each valley. The Psalmist wrote, “You make springs gush forth in the valleys, they flow between the hills” (Psalm 104:10), which speaks of God’s provision for His creation…springs of water will over-flow satisfying our thirst in our valleys. So, wherever you are and whatever you are walking through, no matter how painful, daunting and dark, God has a provision for you.